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BelotPay making public transport even more sustainable & convenient by avoiding plastic cards

BelotPay d.o.o. offers a convenient solution for the residents of average European city with a population of about 300 and tourists visiting the city to reduce their reliance on plastic cards when purchasing public transport tickets. By using BelotPay’s travel app, individuals can make payments for single, seasonal, or monthly tickets without the need for plastic cards. This initiative aims to minimize the environmental impact associated with plastic card usage. To estimate the potential impact of BelotPay d.o.o, it is assumed that they are able to reach 250,000 people, comprising the population of city and tourists who use public transport annually. It is anticipated that the company will be able to convince 42% of these people to install the app and that 90% of that group is going to actually use it for traveling, in other ways, pay for trips via the app. This will account for savings in the order of -0.05813 kg of CO₂ eq per user, making it -5.5 tonnes kg of CO₂ eq per year.

How does BelotPay make a positive climate impact? Compared to which baseline?

In the per reached user section, there has been added no data from Belotpay. This is fair if the users don’t download the additional mobile app.
Per changed user, Belotpay expects to replace 1 card per year and customer. This seems fair and realistic currently for regular customers. The card that they replace also includes electronics which also are the main driver of the
impact. The company also has accounted for the energy use included in the Bluetooth module of a smartphone, considering a period of 12 hours.
In the per company section, Belotpay accounted for the devices that must be installed in buses in city. This calculation has been presented transparently, including the reason why accounting energy for data transmission is not necessary.

How much impact, and what does it depend on?

BelotPay might achieve a reduction of -0,05813 kg CO₂ eq per fully changed user. This would save 5.5 t CO₂ eq at a scale of 250.000 users reached in one year. This is equivalent to the combined carbon sequestration of more than 249 trees.
In the sensitivity analysis for this forecast, we discovered that the electricity use for the app must not exceed 0.24 kWh per changed user a year in order to avoid having a negative impact. Without accounting for the electricity used by the app, a minimum of 71400 cards (including electronics) must be replaced in one year to achieve a significant positive climate impact. This is quite a high number in a smaller city with 300.000 residents.


The result of this Climate Impact Forecast is Valid, positive within limits and significant.
The application of BelotPay could be extremely valuable to make public transport more convenient for (young) customers and consequently could also have a systemic positive impact in a long-term perspective to bring more people into the public transport system instead of using cars. This impact has not been considered in this Climate Impact Forecast probably because of its complexity.
It is considered positive within limits because as it was explained, the impact depends on the energy usage of the application.
Finally, it is considered Significant because it has the potential impact greater than 5 tons per year, which compensates for more than one average person. The total positive climate impact expressed in an amount that is meaningful in this context.


BelotPay plays a crucial role in driving the digitization of the economy by facilitating the transition from physical artifacts to a convenient digital platform. This innovative solution enables citizens to access a wide range of transportation tickets, eliminating the need for cumbersome physical tokens traditionally required for public transportation. Notably, BelotPay not only caters to the needs of city residents but also extends its benefits to tourists visiting the area.
One of the key advantages of BelotPay is its ability to overcome the challenges associated with ticket acquisition. By streamlining the ticketing process, this platform removes any potential hurdles that might discourage individuals from utilizing public transportation. Whether it’s the locals navigating their daily commute or tourists exploring the city, BelotPay ensures a seamless and hassle-free experience.
Moreover, BelotPay actively promotes the utilization of public transportation, contributing to a sustainable and eco-friendly urban environment. By offering an accessible and user-friendly interface, it encourages individuals to choose public transportation as their preferred mode of travel, reducing traffic congestion and carbon emissions.
In summary, BelotPay serves as a catalyst for the digitization of the economy, transforming the way transportation tickets are accessed and utilized. By simplifying the ticketing process and promoting public transportation usage, this innovative platform enhances convenience for both residents and tourists while fostering a more sustainable urban landscape.

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