LOT Group is a group of companies specializing in development and integration of complex systems. We provide solutions, develop concepts, and manufacture equipment independently and implement them jointly with clients and customers.
- More than 20 years of professional experience.
- Constant growth.
- More than 90% of international sales.
- UITP full member.
- Team of professionals.
- 6 patents, 1 IP rights certificate, 3 authoring patents, more than 30 conformity certificates.
- Presence in 11 countries.

We are an active innovative engineering company. Our team of professionals develop and implement complex system solutions for transport. We carry out research and development activity to offer innovative solutions, produce, assemble and maintain hi-tech equipment for transport solutions. We develop reliable software, provide wide range of consulting and expert services as well as 24/7 technical support.
LOT Systems
development and implementation of complex system solutions:
- automated systems for public transport: fare collection systems, traffic control systems, security systems, systems of universal precise time, passenger information system;
- access control and access management: access control systems, working time recording systems, video surveillance systems, automated parking systems;
- local payment systems: systems for water parks, stadiums, ski resorts;
- automation of various processes: remote cargo weighing system, system of an unmanned petrol station, traffic management system.
LOT Team
software development:
- software architecture;
- software development;
- business analysis of projects;
- development of requirements specification;
- software management and software maintenance according to MSF and RUP methodologies;
- upper level software;
- software testing;
- development of WEB-portals, social networks, search engines;
- servers administration.
LOT Manufacturing
production and installation:
- turnstiles;
- validators;
- turnpikes;
- controllers;
- readers;
- vending machines (card vending machines, top up vending machines etc.);
- input/ output modules for industrial automation;
- converters of data transfer interfaces;
- touch-screen terminals.
Our Partners

LOT Group history dates back to 1990, when the pressure group led by the present general manager started delivering the high-technology equipment and software to Ukrainian market. In the early 90’s the company is engaged in creating corporate computer networks and doing small projects regarding development and integration of system solutions for automation of various processes, developing new business streams in its field.
LOT LLC was registered in 1996 (basis for the present group of companies). For the period of 1996-2000 the company have implemented a range of projects regarding the automation of retail trade in Kharkov supermarkets, the corporate network of «Kharkovoblenergo» JSC has been designed and launched as well as the access control and management system «Barrier» has been developed.
The beginning of the new century was marked for LOT Group by conclusion of the first state level contract — access control and management system was created for the platforms of railway stations in Sevastopol, Odessa, Lvov.
Cooperation with the Kharkov Underground is essential for LOT Group. Since 2003 our team updated the fare collection system, implemented the system of universal precise time, at present development and implementation of the fare collection system, based on barcode tickets, are ongoing.
The most noteworthy projects for the period 2003 to 2006 included the first domestic access control and management system (ACS) for ski resorts «Tatry», automation of Southern Railroad train speed control (Kharkov) as well as production of specialized turnstile «Bars».
In 2005 LOT Group successfully entered the international market: fare collection systems were installed in the underground of Yerevan, Tbilisi and Baku (system of universal precise time, system of remote signalling and control, control centralization system are also implemented in the Baku Underground).
The successful practice of international contracts enabled us to lock in the European market, concluded the distribution contract with the Czech enterprise «Green Center». In 2011 we maintained the first deliveries of turnstiles to the North American (Canada), African (Senegal) markets.
In recent years, LOT Group has closely cooperated with Kiev state transport organizations — automation of fare collection on the Kiev funicular is implemented, the work on installation of fare collection system is being carried out at the stations of the circular electric train in Kiev.
The company also continues to promote its production on the international market. In 2012-2014 we concluded a range of contracts for supply of equipment and ACS systems to Europe (Poland, Greece, Romania, Moldova, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Italy), Asia (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, UAE) and South America (Panama, Guatemala, Chile, Costa Rica).
In 2013-2014 we also established a range of branch offices and affiliates all over the world:
- LOT Bulgaria (Sofia, Bulgaria);
- LOT SL (Ljubljana, Slovenia);
- LOT Guatemala (Guatemala, Guatemala);
- LOT Senegal (Dakar, Senegal).
Time goes by, projects come and go, invaluable practical experience is accumulated. Our competence, high quality of solutions, our highly skilled experts enable LOT Group to face the future with confidence and tackle all the market misfortunes effectively.
- certificate of conformity with the international standards ISO 9001:2008;
- intellectual Property Certificate;
- 6 patents;
- 3 original developments;
- more than 30 certificates of conformity;
- building license;
- membership in the International Association of Public Transport (UITP).

The activity of LOT Group is based on the honesty, transparency, justice, responsibility and high ethical standards towards employees, partners and society:
Not only excellent working conditions are created in the company, but the atmosphere of mutual respect and confidence is also permanently maintained.
It is important for us to build up and maintain honest, fair and mutually advantageous relations with the partners.
LOT Group complies with the public laws and order, does a charity work.
We formed our own ethical system based on the local and international standards of business conduct:
Respect and unconditional obedience to the rules, regulations and laws of the country in which LOT Group does business.
Responsibility of every our employee for the corporate business as a whole and responsibility of the corporation for every separate employee’s activity.
Transparency and mutual assistance in the relationships between employees of the corporate as well as in relations with business partners is a basis of successful business relations. LOT Group complies with the rules of honest cooperation both inside the corporation, and towards the partners and clients.
Every employee of LOT Group is obliged to do their work with responsibility and care about the quality of it using the whole bundle of theoretical and practical skills.