Automatic Fare Collection System in Baku Metro, Azerbaijan

During 2005-2007 the LOT Group company completed the development and implementation of Automatic Fare Collection System for 29 stations of Baku Metro, including the following: development of software, hardware system manufacture and installation, system integration.
MIFARE®* Standard 1K contactless card is used as the system’s main payment medium. The system supports reloading of those bank cards that can be used to pay the fare. A special software module is implemented to link VISA credit cards to the Metro’s cards to enable non-cash payment of the fare. It is also possible to pay the fare using a mobile phone or SMS.
In May 2015 full-height slide turnstiles were installed in the “Adjemi-2” and “Avtovokzal” stations.

The system’s current configuration comprises the following:
- 296 tripod turnstiles at the entrances to the stations’ platforms.
- 9 specialized turnstiles at the exits.
- 52 POS-terminals at the box offices.
- 23 station servers.
- A central server node.
- 154 card-vending machines.
- An optical communication network.
The number of MIFARE®* cards currently in circulation is around 3.2 million, the overall amount of investment in those exceeding EUR 3 million.
The current passenger flow through the system constitutes 800 000 – 1 000 000 passengers a day. The system is capable of processing up to 1 500 000 transactions per day.

The Project’s Features:
- The system allows controlling passengers’ exit from the stations. This enables implementing a progressive distance-based fare payment model.
- From the outset, the LOT-delivered AFC solution was designed as a highly customizable, multi-module system that allowed its extension with other types of public transport, such as bus lines, trams, trolleybuses, funiculars and suburban electric trains. This became a reality in 2011, and now the system’s payment card can be used for fare collection in several other types of Baku’s public transport, integrated with the system. In accordance with the Azerbaijani Government’s 20-year Metro Rail Development Program, by 2030, the number of the Baku metro’s station should reach 76. LOT Group and the Baku metro are committed to continue their fruitful cooperation, and LOT Group’s AFC system will be extended to include the stations that will be put in operation in the future.
Aside from its AFC system, LOT Group of Companies has also implemented in the Baku metro two more proprietary systems: a unified precision timing (UPT) system, and powerful, centralized train dispatch and control system. In 2013, LOT Group of Companies equipped the Baku metro’s Central Dispatch Office.
Implementing LOT Group’s powerful and sophisticated systems has significantly improved the customer’s economic performance, rendering their metro system much more profitable. Unauthorized access to the stations of the Baku metro has been almost completely eliminated. The Metro’s traffic flow has been greatly optimized, and the quality of the customer service has been significantly improved.
Automatic Fare Collection System in Yerevan Metro, Armenia

In 2009 the LOT Group company developed and integrated a comprehensive system of fare collection, capable of processing more than 100000 transactions per day. The system’s implementation included manufacturing and installing custom-designed tripod turnstiles.
MIFARE®* Standard 1K contactless cards and optical coded tokens are used as the system’s payment media. The system is currently installed at 10 stations, serving 80 000 – 120 000 passengers per day.
The Project’s Features:
- Building the whole of the required data network.
- For the first time ever specialized swing gates are installed for passengers with disabilities.
Automatic Fare Collection System based on Tripod Turnstiles with a Voice Prompt Function at “Botanical Garden” and “23d of August” Stations of the Kharkov metro, Ukraine

In 2005 the LOT Group company implemented a project and thus 47 unique tripod turnstiles with a voice prompt function were installed at the newly inaugurated stations Botanical Garden and 23d of August.
The turnstiles were seamlessly integrated into the existing fare collection system. They were equipped with readers for smart cards and optical coded tokens. in addition, all turnstiles were fitted out with a voice guide unit.

Automatic Fare Collection System in Kharkov Metro, Ukraine

LOT Group delivered a full update of the fare collection system to the Kharkov Metro in 2012. Our company has developed, installed and integrated automatic fare collection system at 29 stations with a passenger flow of 700 000 – 800 000 passengers per day.
The implementation effort included the following:
- Major modernization of 432 turnstiles.
- Manufacture and installation of 117 automatic ticket-vending machines.
- Manufacture and installation of 30 automatic card-vending machines.
- Installation of 29 station servers.
The efficiency of the system implementation is due to the substitution of high maintenance equipment for a less expensive one. It resulted in a significant increase in the number of passengers who use contactless cards (from 23 to 75%). This has facilitated greatly the implementation of a unified fare collection system for the whole of Kharkov’s public transit system.
Automated Fare Collection System and Unified Precision Time System for Kharkov Metro, Ukraine

In 2016 LOT Group installed modern high-tech equipment for Automated Fare Collection System and Unified Precision Time System at the new Peremoha station in Kharkov Metro, Ukraine. Peremoha is the 30th station of the Kharkov metro, located at Oleksiivska Line.
The project scope included:
- equipping of 28 turnstiles with fare collection devices;
- production and installation of 6 ticket vending machines;
- production and installation of 2 card vending machines;
- delivery and installation of 2 interval clocks;
- delivery and installation of 2 usual clocks (showing time);
- delivery and installation of 8 clocks for dispatcher needs;
- delivery and installation of a switching unit for the Unified Precision Time System.
Automatic fare collection and access control systems in Sofia Metro, Bulgaria

In 2016 in the Metro of Sofia the Style turnstiles with an integrated validator of cards and a scanner of tickets’ barcodes were installed at the Vardar station. The installed equipment was integrated into the existing fare collection system of Sofia Metro.
The feature of the project is that the card validator and the barcode scanner are situated on the left side. That makes their use more comfortable.
During the period of operation, our equipment has proven its efficiency and reliability.
Automatic Fare Collection and Passenger Counting Systems at the Kiev Funicular, Ukraine

In 2011, LOT Group was engaged in the replacement of an outdated fare collection system with a new one at the upper and lower stations of the Kiev Funicular.
Our company developed, manufactured and implemented the software and hardware complex required to enable the system’s efficient operation, including:
- Automatic checkpoints (three turnstiles at the upper station and three more turnstiles at the lower one).
- Central server software.
- Automatic token calculation and reactivation machines.
- The Administrator’s workstation with the required software installed on it.

The Project’s Features:
- The system’s daily passenger flow is currently around 6000 visitors per day.
- To better fill the customer’s needs, LOT Group designed and manufactured a custom turnstile model specifically for this project.
Automatic Fare Collection and Passenger Counting Systems for the Urban Electric Train in Kyiv, Ukraine

In 2011, LOT Group was engaged in development and implementation of Automatic Fare Collection, passenger counting and access control systems at 14 stations of Kiev Urban Electric Train. In accordance with the customer’s requirements, LOT Group developed an automatic system that was seamlessly integrated into the city’s existing fare collection system. This allowed using the system’s electronic tickets and cards for some of the other types of Kiev’s public transport, for example, the Kiev Light Rail.
The system allows using a range of payment media, including:
- Bar-coded paper tickets.
- MIFARE®* Standard 1K contactless electronic cards.
- Smart tokens (with the printing of a receipt).
- Pre-printed thermal paper tickets with the recognition system.

The Project’s Features:
- Minimum possible time-to-market: from 20.08.2011 till 30.10.2011.
- Two types of turnstiles: tripods and gates for disabled passengers.
- Temperature range from -30° C to +45° C.
Automatic Fare Collection System at Suburban Train Stations in Lvov, Ukraine

LOT Group installed equipment of its own manufacture at three suburban trains’ platforms, including:
- The operator’s room at the platform – 3.
- Tripod turnstiles – 12.
- Gates for passengers with disabilities – 3.
- Data collection and control units for turnstiles – 15.
- Station servers – 3.
- The operator’s workstation at the platform – 3.
- Data networks – 1.
- Central servers – 1.
- The Administrator’s workstations – 1.
- The workstations for working with financial statements – 1.
During the period of operation, the system has proven its high efficiency. As well as providing a clear view of the passenger flow, it improved the client’s economic performance and the level of customer care.
The Project’s Features:
- The ambient temperatures range is from -40° C in the winter, to +50° C in the summer.
- The system was upgraded in 2012, its electronic components were replaced with more efficient ones.
Automatic Fare Collection System at Suburban Train Stations in Odessa, Ukraine

In 2003 LOT Group equipped three platforms (#2, #3, #6). The following equipment of its own manufacture was installed:
- The operator’s room at the platform – 3;
- Tripod turnstiles – 15;
- Gates for passengers with disabilities – 3;
- Operated gates for the admission of local transport – 3;
- Data collection and control units for turnstiles – 18;
- Station servers – 3;
- The operator’s workstation at the platform – 3;
- Data networks – 1;
- Central servers – 1;
- The Administrator’s workstations – 1;
- The workstations for working with financial statements – 1.
The payment media used by the system include the MIFARE®* Standard 1K card and bar-coded tickets.

The Project’s Features:
- Installation of LOT Group’s industrial controllers as a control module.
- The hardware is applicable outdoor. The ambient temperatures range is from -35° C in the winter, to +65° C in the summer.
- Dynamic management of the passenger flow’s direction.
Implementation of the system improved economic performance by eliminating unauthorized travel and station’s operational management due to the opportunity to perform passenger count and control.
Automatic Fare Collection System at Suburban Train Stations in Sevastopol

In 2002 LOT Group equipped two entry points and installed the following equipment:
- The operator’s room at the platform – 1;
- Tripod turnstiles – 6;
- Gates for passengers with disabilities – 2;
- Data collection and control units for turnstiles – 8;
- Station servers – 1;
- Data networks – 1;
- Central servers – 1;
- The administrator’s workstations – 1;
- Workstations for working with financial statements – 1.
The payment media used are the MIFARE®* Standard 1K card and a bar-coded ticket.
The Project’s Features:
- Industrial PCs in thermally stabilized containers are used as a control module;
- The hardware is applicable outdoor. The ambient temperatures range is from -35° C in the winter, to +65° C in the summer.
Despite the trying weather conditions, maritime climate and heavy passenger flow, LOT Group’s equipment has once again proved its fine quality, robustness and reliability.
The Pilot Project of Automatic Fare Collection System for the Ground Public Transport of Tabriz, Iran

In 2015 the LOT Group company realized a pilot project of automatic fare collection system for the ground public transport of Tabriz, Iran.
As part of the project, the LOT Group company installed three Turn Port turnstiles in each Akia bus. The turnstiles are connected directly to the validators and authorize a passage into the passenger compartment only after the confirmation of travel fare payment.
The installed equipment has confirmed its flawless operation in harsh conditions of Iran: high temperatures, high level of dust and high dense of passenger flow.
Project features:
- Turnstiles are open for free exit through both doors of the bus.
- The project takes into account Muslim country demands and there are different entrances provided for men and women separately.
- Turnstiles were connected and integrated with third-party validators.
The Pilot Project of Automatic Fare Collection System for the Ground Public Transport in Dakar, Senegal

In 2013 the LOT Group company implemented a pilot automatic fare collection project in Dakar. The project was aimed to test the system in Senegal’s harsh climatic conditions (high temperatures, dust, high vibration and high humidity).
To implement the project, we installed system equipment of its own production on 40 of the customer’s buses. Each bus was equipped with the set of two validators and an on-board computer, connected to the central database. MIFARE®* Standard 1K contactless cards and MIFARE®* smart tokens are used as the payment media.
To maintain them we provided card vending machines, manual POS-terminals for top- ping up and vending and token reactivation machine. Fare payment control is carried out with the help of conductor’s manual terminal.
The Project’s Features:
- Validators are equipped with a touchscreen TFT display that allows selecting a travel area.
- The equipment is used in extremely harsh climatic conditions (+50°C, high humidity, dust and high vibration).
- The installed equipment has proven its efficiency under severe climatic conditions.
Automatic Fare Collection System for the Ground Public Transport in Kyiv, Ukraine

In October 2012 Automatic Fare Collection System was implemented for the Ground Trans- port of Kyiv. As part of the project, 116 ticket-stamping machines were installed on buses of the 6th vehicle park.
Payment of one-way fare is carried out with tickets, distributed from a driver or at special spots. The payment is confirmed by means of a stamp, date, time route and number of a vehicle indicated on the previously bought ticket.
Currently the installed equipment operates successfully on the buses in Kyiv.
The Pilot Project of Automatic Fare Collection System for the Ground Public Transport in Kyiv, Ukraine
In 2012 the LOT Group company implemented a pilot fare collection system project on two trolleybuses, including the following: installation of validators that receive cards, smart-tokens and print tickets. The validators were installed in the front and back doorways.
The implemented automatic fare collection system is designed for automatic control accounting of the fare on the ground transport. The implementation of the system allowed elimination of non-payment cases and controlling passenger flow on route.
The installed equipment has been in operation for 2 months. The equipment was de-mounted for the reasons of popular discontent.

The Pilot Project of Automatic Fare Collection System for the Ground Public Transport in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

In 2010 the LOT Group company developed and integrated a pilot project of a system, that is supposed to enable control over payment of the fare and access to the vehicle, while also being able to generate reports on the passenger flow. We developed an essential software and hardware, including the following: validators of smart-tokens and contactless cards, tripod turnstiles, designed to be installed on board of a vehicle.
Paper tickets, printed after the payment transaction, with unique details printed on them can be used for fare payment control on board of a vehicle. The payment details printed on the ticket include the time and the vehicle where the payment transaction was made.
The Project’s Features:
- Robust vandal-proof equipment, made of 2.5 mm stainless steel.
- The turnstiles are installed at all doors of a vehicle. A vehicle can be entered through the front door only, and exit is available through any other door.
The Pilot Project of Automatic Fare Collection System for Public Transport in Kharkov, Ukraine

In 2010 the LOT Group company implemented a Pilot Automatic Fare Collection Project for the ground transport. Two types of validators able to receive smart-tokens, cards and issue a ticket were installed in two trolleybuses.
The equipment reliability, vibration resistance, low temperatures and overcrowding resistance were tested as a part of the project. Also binding GPS coordinates and GPRS stability in the city were tested.
The equipment was in use during 3 months. There was no point of criticism after the implementation of the project. Due to the system, according to statistics, cases of non-payment were eliminated one obtained the opportunity to control the flow of passengers and trolleybuses timetable.
* MIFARE® and MIFARE CLASSIC® are registered trademarks, owned by NXP B.V.