Local payment system is a complex of hardware and software that allows automation of service payment process and access control on the site, the system offers a wide range of functions for access control and for payment management. The main trick of the system is that a customer pays for services by a payment media (a card, a token, a bracelet and others). In other words, an obtainment of services and a payment for them do not correlate in time and space. It is sufficiently effective, covers the cost of local payment system implementation for each service operator. However, implementation of local payment systems has several more benefits:
- Increasing service quality and reducing waiting time for customers and the raise of service attractiveness as a result.
- Possibility to use a flexible tariff policy and its real time management.
- Easy management by displaying structured reports instantly.
- Increase of security level, fraud prevention.
- Facility operating costs reduction.
LOT Group offers local payment systems solutions of various structures, due to the company’s size and of its branch.

1. Payment Media (Tickets) Purchase
As payment medium, the following can be used:
- SMART-Card (MIFARE®*, JavaCardo, Calypso);
- SMART-Bracelet (MIFARE®*, M-Marine) and other shape media (pendant, key chains, etc.);
- SMART-Token (MIFARE®*);
- Optical tokens;
- Bar-coded tickets;
- SMS (MMS)-payment.
A customer can purchase a media from vending machines/ top up machines (manufactured by LOT Group) or from the box office equipped with POS-terminals.

2. Access Control Point (Turnstile)
An access control point, equipped with turnstiles, allows faultless counting of transactions and measurements of clients’ number in every facility area.
LOT Group offers the following local payment system hardware:
Gate Turnstiles
Tripod Turnstiles
3. Payment control points
The service operator can use any desired area of the facility to install the payment control point:
- Cloakrooms
- Amusement and entertainment area
- Bars and cafes
- Equipment rental
- Additional services area
A payment inspection is accomplished by validators of different models, including manual ones (manufactured by LOT Group).
As well, money can be added to a deposit and then fare is collected from the media directly in the moment of service delivery. Additionally, the service fees can be accumulated into a single bill and the payment occurs when leaving the facility.

4. System server (operator’s room)
A server is a system center where all data is collected and processed:
- Amount of visitors (filters applicable such as area division, time division, etc.).
- Obtaining various reports including chosen services or areas usage.
- Reports of rented equipment.
- Reports of attendance.
- Financial reports for every identity mean and so on.
- Personalized statistics of services obtained by each identification mean.
- Possibility to group identification means into different categories.
- Possibility to restrict access to required facility areas (for some groups of visitors).
- Subscriptions creation and their management.
A manager controls the system in real time mode and can affect the operational events within the system.
LOT Group’s Local Payment Systems: New Opportunities for Your Business
LOT Group’s local payment system – is a modern innovative solution that helps your business being up-to-date, leaving slow-moving competitors behind. We bring all our skills and huge experience into every system we apply, meanwhile we customize the system according customer requirements, his goals and priorities, implementing a unique solution in every project, for there is no space for general-purpose systems.
Application of LOT Group’s local payment system ensures:
- Simplification of the facility attendance process for the customer, and increasing service level.
- All transactions collection within a unified informational and financial database.
- Variety of opportunities such as flexible fare policy usage, loyalty and discount programs creation, introduction of time-related fees.
- Usage of additional sales channels (e.g. via the Internet).
- Costs reduction and profitability increase.
- Ability to monitor the facility in real time mode, and to manage any event on-line.
- Effective management of visitors flows, and occupancy control for each area.
- Rise of security level, and all types of fraud prevention.
- Monitoring the equipment available at the rental office, managing its amount.
- Significant increase of the facility efficiency.
* MIFARE® and MIFARE CLASSIC® are registered trademarks, owned by NXP B.V.