Relay processing based interlocking system is a system intended for modernization of the existing relay interlocking systems and achieving the new level of train traffic control remaining the base infrastructure of track assets.
Such control centralization allows hastening route preparation, improving traffic safety, reducing number of employees at the station and increasing station capacity.
Application of microcontrollers together with modern information technologies makes the system reliable and easy to maintain.
RPI system is intended for partial modernization of existing stations with any number of points, equipped with electric interlocking (EI), remaining the existing trackside equipment in full.
Implementation of the relay processing based interlocking system is a quick and reasonable move to a new technological level of automated control. Reliable and familiar for the staff relay schemes remain unchanged and upper level is operated on a new modern platform.
Substitution of geographical panel for a modern, ergonomic operator’s industrial computer based AWP allows to use system intellectual interface.
System Functions
Relay Processing Based Interlocking System Provides:
- process control of the trackside equipment at the station;
- monitoring of the trackside equipment at the station;
- safety train operation;
- trackside equipment diagnostics;
- communication with the systems of the same or upper level (interlocking traffic control systems);
- archiving the information about trackside assets state, operators actions as well as troubleshooting data about the system objects.
System Comosition
Upper Level
Upper level of the system comprises control equipment. The level of control equipment provides the substitution of the geographical panel with modern ergonomic automated computer based work places:
- main and back up station duty officer’s AWP intended to carry on operating control of station RPI devices;
- AWP of the duty technician intended to provide control of the interlocking devices.
Middle Level
Middle level is hardware and software that ensures control of interlocking logic, sending of the control commands as well as provides connection between the systems. Microprocessor and relay processor based scheme equipment is presented on this level.
Lower Level
Lower level of the system includes control objects such as points, traffic lights, track circuits equipment (line boxes, impedance bond etc.).
Advantages of the Relay Processing based Interlocking System Implementation
Reduction of Post Service Room Areas
The implementation of relay processing-based technologies allows to reduce the sizes of service rooms;
System Modernization
The system can be upgraded by protocoling, archiving (Black box function) and automation of route setting control;
Minimization of Human Factor
System intellectual interface minimizes the possibility of wrong or delayed duty operator’s actions (voice hints or logical control of personnel actions);
Increased Scope of the Information
System implementation allows to increase information volume, provided on station-to-station blocks, crossings and other control objects;
High Reliability
System provides high reliability by means of the backing up of remote-controlled operation controllers and remote signaling controllers.