Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
Currently SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) is a principal and the most promising method for automated control over complex dynamic systems and processes. ProRay SCADA system is a software package created for managing complex structured objects and collecting, processing, displaying and archiving object data.
ProRay SCADA system main functions:

- Graphical representation of technological process;
- Collected data reprocessing;
- Received data archiving;
- Monitored technological parameters data collecting;
- Process progress documents creation;
- Emergency alarm system for enterprise staff warning;
- Registration of events, connected to controlled process;
- Operator’s command acquisition;
- Automatic process control.
Multiple possibilities
ProRay Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system provides multiple possibilities:
- To operate technological processes by using buttons, rotary knobs and other controllers;
- To visualize a set of processes using indicators and graphics;
- To create different kinds of reports and archives;
- To create algorithms on simplified language, suitable even for technologists without a high level of programming experience;
- To record developed algorithms and technological processes;
- The system includes drivers for input/output analog and digital devices;
- Network functions to exchange data between computers, connected to the same network, to publish reports on the network or to control the process from a remote computer via the Internet;
- The ProRay system allows setting access levels for the staff.
Main advantages
- Flexible licensing – we have both basic and professional product lines;
- Built-in free drivers’ library for hardware of different manufacturers and drivers development according to the client’s needs;
- Free and skilled technical support;
- The complete support for the ACS functionality implementation in various industries;
- Relatively low cost of software products;
- ProRay SCADA can be integrated with a variety of networks: other SCADA systems, office enterprise networks, registering and signal networks (security and fire alarm systems), etc.
ProRay SCADA is being successfully applied in large-scale projects (manufacturing, production, transmission and distribution of electricity; water intake, water treatment and water distribution; production, transportation and distribution of oil and gas; management of all modes of transport, telecommunications, etc.) and also in smaller scale projects in various industries. One of the most important trends is building automation and control complex. In modern buildings, filled with engineering equipment, automation and control systems ensure safe operation, engineering systems integration and efficient operation of the entire facility.
ProRay SCADA automation and dispatching complex provides:
- The information about status and parameters of engineering systems equipment;
- Improvement of reliability, safety and quality of engineering systems equipment;
- Diagnostic automation and monitoring service intervals of engineering systems equipment;
- Reducing equipment maintenance cost;
- Remote monitoring/control of engineering systems equipment;
- Providing prompt interaction between operational services, planning of maintenance and repair works;
- Registration of technological processes of engineering systems and service dispatchers actions;
- Organization of automated commercial and technical utility metering;
- Maintenance of automated accounting of operational resources, engineering equipment and its in-time maintenance;
- Delineation of authority and responsibility of services while decision-making.