PIS is an effective tool which provides passengers with necessary information connected with bus timetable, train arrival and departure time, current time and date, different help information.
Main tasks solved by the proposed PIS are:
- visual informing of the passengers about the bus routes at the station;
- visual informing of the passengers about the time intervals of bus arrivals and departures at the stations;
- visual informing of the passengers about the bus timetable at the station;
- providing the information about the current date and time;
- providing the passengers with the help information of different kinds (for example, information about the fare, routes, etc.);
- displaying the information of emergency operations services (for example, displaying the information of the firefighting system);
- providing the related systems such as Public Address System, SCADA, ATS, AFC and emergency operation services with the PIS resources.

The advantages of PIS implementation are:
- increasing of the passenger flow by means of informing the passengers about the timetable and intervals of train movement in the on-line mode, in its turn, it allows to improve the efficiency of the passenger service;
- prompt response for the emergency situations in train movement (failures, accidents, etc.), automatic correction of the traffic timetable and informing the passengers about these changes;
- creation of the PIS joint monitoring center, that allows to control centrally the display information on the passenger information displays (PID – Passenger Information Display) and perform its operation monitoring in on-line mode.