Implementation of the system allows to systematize and regulate the procedure of releasing the vehicles to the route, keep precise records of every driver’s work and every vehicles operation as well as to provide quick and effective communication between the drivers and traffic control operators.
The main element of the system is GPS traffic control display that is intended to inform the chief traffic control operator about the current situation in the whole control zone of the vehicle dispatching system.

All the main elements of the system are displayed on the central display:
- schematic illustration of the vehicles that are on the routes;
- schematic illustration of the map with the stops;
- schematic illustration of the routes;
- symbolic representation of the operation mode.
Advantages of the system implementation:
- improving the quality of the service by means of providing the traffic regularity; lowering the intensity of transport crowding; reducing the intervals on the routes during the rush hours; improving the safety of passenger transportation;
- increasing the information awareness of the population about the public transport operation;
- providing the effective centralized control and management of transportation in general;
- increasing the quality control of public transport services;
- providing the centralized monitoring of route passing time and speed.