Communications-Based Train Control and Train Signaling System - Light Version
CBTC-light is communication-based train control and signaling system that combines benefits of modern interval control and safety control systems. The system is easy to use and easy to extend.
The main principles of СВТС-light are identification of train position and transmission of basic parameters that determine traffic safety to the train, utilizing modern data transmission techniques and methods.
The specific feature of suggested approach is system modularity, that allows to adjust the whole structure, as well as the separate functional units to conditions and peculiarities of the particular automation object.
Using the highly reliable protected duplicated radio channel, CBTC-light system transmits the information to the train required for optimum train control and traffic safety.

Advantages of the system:
- possibility to use existing train facilities;
- possibility of fast reconfiguration and further system expansion;
- possibility to remain current tracks architecture ;
- function of selective access to the data that determines safety.