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Automatic fare collection system in Kyiv Metro, Ukraine

During 2019 – 2021 in the Metro of Kyiv city we were implementing a project of automatic fare collection system
The Kyiv Metro is a rapid transit system that is the mainstay of Kyiv’s public transport. It has three lines with a total length of 67.56 kilometers and 52 stations. The system carries 1.331 million passengers daily, accounting for 46.7% of Kyiv’s public transport load. In 2016, the metro carried 484.56 million passengers.
The AFC system included equipment and software that installed at the 23 entranced and is integrated into the Eticket of Kyiv City.
The feature of the project is that as a means of payment is used bank card, contactless transport card, bar-code tickets.
The system provide the technical monitoring of all the range of AFC equipment.

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